Monday 27 July 2015

Collecting Comic Books

Although I bought a fair few comic books by the time I was 14 I didn't really start 'collecting' until I found that rare of rare beasts in 1987 - the comic book store. Here they had all the issues of The Avengers BEFORE issue 262, when I started buying it every month. Once the plethora of books was open to me I really began to collect in earnest.

Collecting enabled me to put runs of books together (which always helps) and to find all the stories that I enjoyed. The second part I started to like, which is the 'troublesome' bit, was some of my issues accelerated quickly away from their 50 - 60 pence cover price.

These days I count collecting books as separate from 'Speculation', which cruelled collecting for a while in the late 90's.

I won't touch on the Speculation and Collecting that happened in the late 90's, that might be another topic, instead I'll touch on what I do as a collector, comic book care and what I collect and why.

First up is care. The two simple tenets are bag your books and store them upright.  You can buy both Mylar bags and comic book storage boxes from the comic book store. This will keep your books in as close to the purchase condition they can be bar very heavy reading. If you have older books or valuable ones sitting in amongst the others I do suggest a backing board, also available from the comic book store, to stop them bending. Obviously, store books in the box, with the lid on. I also throw some stuff into the box to deter silver fish - Check what it is before you do this though.

What do I collect and Why? Simply I collect books I have some interest in. My range is broad and I like the medium in a lot of formats. As well as super heroes and the usual formats I will read any comic strips and have collections of various examples of these as well.

In the main I collect Super books, mostly Marvel, and mostly of all Avengers and X-Men titles. I think this is mainly because I love the team dynamics and the interplay. Of course there are some fairly eclectic lines in the mix as well.

Different things can grab me; the art, the story. Something. It's rare for me not to give a book a chance and I've ended up with some obscure stuff in my boxes.

Also I like to collect things. I think it must be genetic. My paternal Grandfather collected model cars and records, my Dad collects model cars and odd auto memorabilia; pre- 1920's petrol cans and signs. I am into comics and it looks like my son will follow suit. He currently collects Lego. Comics can be cheap, fun plus you have something to read and look at. 

These days you can get your books slabbed and sealed. Now if you are buying comics that are worth $100+ a pop, I think it's sensible to seal them away in something so they never deteriorate. You can always buy the content in another format to read. I've never done this but you never know. If I get hold of a copy of Incredible Hulk 187, maybe I will?

I think the best way to collect older books is get the issues you are after off of eBay. Of course this means your collection will be 50% book, 50% postage.Still you will be getting what you are after.

Of course there's nothing finer than finding markets or stores with back issues, or an old book shop or charity shop and having a darn good rummage. This is my favourite way to look.

In summary collect because you love to do it.

If you are just interested in the stories your Local Comic Book Store should have a huge offering of trades, collections and graphic novels in a format that is easier to keep.

And there will probably never be a time like the 90's speculation boom again.

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